- Difficulty regulating emotions and impulses
- Emotional numbing
- Anger and aggression
- Substance addictions
- Behavioral addictions (porn, anonymous sex, gambling, etc.)
- Self-harming behaviors (cutting, burning, etc.)
- Dissociation (spacing out, blanking out, losing time, etc.)
Stage 1: personal safety, self care emotional regulation.
- It is not about discussing or processing memories, but instead about establishing safety and stability in one’s body, one’s relationships, and the rest of one’s life.
- Developing one’s own inner strengths
- Learning how to regulate one’s emotions and manage symptoms that cause suffering or make one feel unsafe.
- Developing and strengthening skills for managing painful and unwanted experiences, and minimizing unhelpful responses to them.
- Addressing problems with alcohol or drugs, depression, eating behaviors, physical health, panic attacks, and/or dissociation (e.g., spacing out, losing time).
- Taking medication to reduce anxiety and/or depressive symptoms
- Reviewing and/or discussing memories to lessen their emotional intensity, to revise their meanings for one’s life and identity, etc.
- Working through grief about unwanted or abusive experiences and their negative effects on one’s life.
- Mourning or working through grief about good experiences that one did not have, but that all children deserve.
- The third stage of recovery focuses on reconnecting with people, meaningful activities, and other aspects of life.
Judith Herman created the Victims of Violence Program that continues today in Cambridge, MA. For more information on their program go to ....http://www.challiance.org/Services/VictimsofViolenceProgram.aspx