Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Warning signs of Sexual Abuse in Children

As I reviewed this list below (and many that are similar to it) my thought was that these signs are not only specific to child sexual abuse...they are signs of any trauma or a warning signal that something is not right and needs to be addressed. Don't assume that just because you see some of these behaviors that sexual abuse has happened. But do seek help in assessing what your child might be going through. You may recognize some of the feelings or experiences you are your family member/friend went through.

Children up to age 3 may exhibit:

 •Fear or excessive crying
 •Feeding problems
 •Bowel problems
 •Sleep disturbances
 •Failure to thrive

Children ages 2 to 9 may exhibit:

 •Fear of particular people, places or activities
 •Regression to earlier behaviors such as bed wetting or stranger anxiety
 •Victimization of others
 •Excessive masturbation
 •Feelings of shame or guilt
 •Nightmares or sleep disturbances
 •Withdrawal from family or friends
 •Fear of attack recurring
 •Eating disturbances

Symptoms of sexual abuse in older children and adolescents include:

 •Nightmares or sleep disturbances
 •Poor school performance
 •Substance abuse
 •Running away from home
 •Fear of attack recurring
 •Eating disturbances
 •Early pregnancy or marriage
 •Suicidal gestures
•Anger about being forced into situation beyond one’s control
•Pseudo-mature behaviors

American Humane Association:

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