Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Seasons of Healing

I have been thinking about seasons lately as the new school year has just begun, and the summer fun of beaches and sun begin to fade. I love living in an area of the country where I am able to experience all 4 seasons. Although I definately have my favorite seasons, I value what each season offers me.  Elder Uchtdorf  says,

"We have seasons in our lives as well. Some are warm and pleasant. Others are not. Some of the days in our lives are as beautiful as pictures in a calendar. And yet there are days and circumstances that cause heartache and may bring into our lives deep feelings of despair, resentment, and bitterness.
I am sure at one time or another we have all thought it would be nice to take up residence in a land filled only with days of picture-perfect seasons and avoid the unpleasant times in between.
But this is not possible. Nor is it desirable.........The question is not whether we will experience seasons of adversity but how we will weather the storms. Our great opportunity during the ever-changing seasons of life is to hold fast to the faithful word of God, for His counsel is designed not only to help us weather the storms of life but also to guide us past them. Our Heavenly Father has given His word through His prophets—precious knowledge designed to lead us through the challenges of difficult seasons toward the unspeakable joy and brilliant light of eternal life. It is an important part of our life’s experience to develop the strength, courage, and integrity to hold fast to truth and righteousness despite the buffeting we may experience." (Saints of all Seasons, Elder Uchtdorf, Ensign Sept 2013)

Like seasons of life there are seasons of healing. There will be years where you may feel that you really have a handle on things. Years when you feel the warmth of the summer sun and peace and understanding. There will be other times though when it will feel dark as winter and you will wonder if you will ever feel the suns warm rays. Every season of healing has something beautiful to offer us.

 “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:” Ecclesiastes 3:1

Snow And Rocks Stock Photo
Spring Time Stock Photo

Sea Shells On The Beach Stock Photo

Fall Colors Stock Photo

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