Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's: Look Not behind Thee


So I work in healthcare in a hospital and for the past couple of months all employees were required to go to a meeting that stressed the message .."It is a new day". Now employees all left that meeting with a variety of understandings and interpretations of what that really meant.

The basic message of the meeting was that we were all going to be effected by the most recent drastic changes in health care through health care reform. The message was that there was nothing we could do to change what was going to happen at this point- so we needed to look ahead and make the best of this "new day".

Some people heard "so you will be doing more with less -get used to it" or "more is going to be expected of you and you have a choice to make- jump on ship or get out". Others looked at these changes as opportunity . Opportunity for much needed change and the opportunity to make our product and what we deliver even better.

As you look ahead to your new day -your new year, you too have opportunities that await you. Like one of the men in the video said "What god has for me is bigger and better". I believe that is true. There can be purpose in looking to the past to learn from. But living in the past -will not bring peace and happiness. Here is to a brand new day -the first day of the rest of your life-Go ahead step forward and don't look back!

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