In this letter she mentioned how exhausted she was. Hearing about her exhaustion reminded me of how exhausted I have felt myself with the entire healing process. More and more I see that mental health and healing will be a life long journey for me. At this point in my life I can see some of the great blessings that I've experienced because of the trials I've had but that wasn't always the case.

The thought of people finding out how much I was struggling was one of the only things that kept me going and made it look like I was actually functioning. However, in reality I was more like a walking zombie full of emotions and depression. It felt like everywhere I went I was carrying concrete bricks weighed down with my emotional problems.
With being so emotionally and physically exhausted I started to question, "Why do I keep going, why am I still here, this is TOOO hard!" My thoughts became suicidal. Having suicidal thoughts seemed to be the only thing that comforted me and took the pain away for a time. I would think, "Once I die people wont be bothered by me any more.", "I am the problem in all of my relationships so if I'm gone things will be better.", "Once I'm dead the pain will be gone."

You may feel like just taking one more breath of air is too hard to do and you are at or even past your breaking point but I promise you that YOU CAN DO IT!
You can not do it alone but you CAN do it and come out victorious!

I understand turning to those around you is scary. Start with someone you feel can listen or even preface the conversation with, "I'm really struggling and just need you to listen." If that is too much, which it has been in the past for me, I decided to see a counselor.
My counselor did much more than just listen. She taught me skills that have been life saving. As I've worked hard to learn and apply those skills healing occurred and I felt the effects of the Atonement more in my life.
Now, I know some of you can't afford counseling but there are many other ways to get help from others as well. How can you receive help from others in a way you feel comfortable with? Maybe it's from this blog, e-mailing someone you don't know or lives far away, or calling a help line. Regardless of what you do there is hope for tomorrow. There are self-soothing and coping skills you can learn to help ease the exhaustion and pain. They really work and medication is also an option.
I am no longer struggling just to take my next breath or get up in the morning. Ok, actually that's not true, I will always struggle to get up in the morning but I am happier now. Joy has come back into my life, relationships have deepened, and I no longer feel like I want to die. There is hope. The Atonement is R-E-A-L! There WILL come a time of relief and rest. If you are feeling exhausted please know there is hope!
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