Thursday, August 8, 2013


I wanted to talk about triggers and what they are. We will talk in other blogs about how they are affecting your life and how to cope with them.

So what is a trigger? Some of you may be aware of your own triggers, others of you -may not be, or you may be aware of some of your triggers and not others.

A Trigger is anything that activites memories of your trauma. Triggers can be environmental such as sight, sound or taste, smell or texture or they can be feelings that were present during your abuse such as feeling fearful, feeling overwhelmed or out of controle.

The University of Alberta's Sexual Assualt Center (What is a Trigger?) gave some examples of triggers

  • Often someone who resembles the abuser or who has similar traits or objects (ie. clothing, hair color, distinctive walk).
  • Any situation where someone else is being abused (ie. anything from a raised eyebrow and verbal comment to actual physical abuse).
  • The object that was used to abuse
  • The objects that are associated with or were common in the household where the abuse took place (ie. alcohol, piece of furniture, time of year).
  • Any place or situation where the abuse took place (ie. specific locations in a house, holidays, family events, social settings).
  • Anything that sounds like anger (ie. raised voices, arguments, bangs and thumps, something breaking).
  • Anything that sounds like pain or fear (ie. crying, whispering, screaming).
  • Anything that might have been in the place or situation prior to, during, or after the abuse or reminds her/him of the abuse (ie. sirens, foghorns, music, cricket, chirping, car door closing).
  • Anything that resembles sounds that the abuser made (ie. whistling, footsteps, pop of can opening, tone of voice).
  • Words of abuse (ie. cursing, labels, put-downs, specific words used).
  • Anything that resembles the smell of the abuser (ie. tobacco, alcohol, drugs, after shave, perfume).
  • Any smells that resemble the place or situation where the abuse occurred (ie. food cooking ,wood, odors, alcohol).
  • Anything that resembles the abuse or things that occurred prior to or after the abuse (ie. certain physical touch, someone standing too close, petting an animal, the way someone approaches you).
  • Anything that is related to the abuse, prior to the abuse or after the abuse (ie. certain foods, alcohol, tobacco).

It is our hope that this site be a safe place that brings hope, healing, and knowledge.  It is also our hope that it is not a place that is too triggering. We know that this is a lofty goal and that there is no quarantee that things we or others may say will not trigger memories for you. We entrust each of you as you have the courage to share your own feelings and experiences that you each will ponder on how best to present your thoughts so as to not trigger others. We do see how our efforts not to trigger could lead to a site that is more educational or more fluff. That is not our desire either. We desire it to be a place that is REAL that you will feel understood and that you will relate to and learn from others. A place where you can know that you do not have to suffer alone!

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