Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Gods love

Going right along with learning to love your body, is learning to love yourself-your whole self.
Children learn to love and feel loved--by being loved. When your parents don't love you, only loved you conditionally, expressed love in destructive ways, or did not prevent others from harming you-you are left feeling unworthy of love. As adults you will have to learn how to give yourself what you were not given as a child-unconditionaly love!

Our Heavenly Father is the greatest source of this unconditional love. President Monson said just a few weeks ago;

-Thomas S. Monson #LDS Quotes  General Relief Society Sept . 2013

Gods love for us is perfect and constant! Part of learning to love yourself then is to gain a testimony of gods love for you. How have you felt of his love in your life? What did it feel like? How did you know it was him?

Can you begin to see yourself through Gods eyes? Can you begin to see yourself as who he knows you can become?

President Monson's said; "We have the responsibility to see individuals not as they are but rather as they can become" -Enisgn Oct 2012

We have that same respopnsibility to see ourselves this way. Often you see yourselves through the murky lense of abuse. You see yourself as the objet of abuse or as the symptoms that have played out in your life. Those symptoms are not who you are. Can you picture yourself as who you are without the trappings of the abuse. What is your true spirit and personality like?

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