Sunday, October 27, 2013

Slow Down, Rest Up, Replenish & Refill

My life has ran away from me the last two weeks.  I enjoy being busy, feeling productive, and active . Personally having a full schedule is something that keeps me going however while taking a moment to catch my breath today I realized...again...that in the healing process I must take time to slow down, rest up, replenish, and refill.

“Take time to slow down and ponder so that you can feel the Lord’s love for you.”  (Bonnie D. Parkin)

While running around, serving, doing laundry, teaching lessons, and everything else it is easy to keep my self distracted from feeling.  Even thought there are times when triggers pop up and emotions overtake me most of the time when I am too busy it is hard to feel emotions.  It can be hard knowing that some of the feelings I have are just painful and I don't want to feel them, so I don't and instead fill my schedule up so much its hard to even think at times.  This, however does not lead to healing.  Overcoming the effects of childhood sexual abuse is my goal and to do this I must take time to slow down and let myself feel, even the "not so fun" feelings. 

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