Thursday, April 23, 2015

His Grace Is Sufficient by Brad Wilcox

"The Savior's Grace to us is not necessary limited in time to after all
we can do . We may receive his grace before, during and after the time
when we expend our own efforts". -Bruce 
C. Hafen

I was thinking today about those I have had the privilage of working with as they have sought healing in their lives. And it made me think of this talk on Grace. It is one of my favorites. Sometimes the thought of "all we have to do" to heal seems impossible and we do not  believe we are capable of doing what is required to heal. I know it feels overwhelming and sometimes seems impossible. But I think we forget that it is not just us that is in the mix. The Savior's grace does not just "make up for the rest" or "fill in the gap after all we can do". No as it says above --we receive his grace throughout the process. We do not have to travel the path of healing alone.