Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wrong roads

I have noticed with myself and those I counsel that too often we are impatient with the Lord's process. We expect change to happen far more faster then it really does. Sure there are miracles that happen every day but more often then naught it is through our struggles or wrong roads that we learn and grow. The Lord allows us to learn through our experiences and to sometimes figure things out on our own . I loved the above video taken from Elder Holland's Talk. Where he relays an experience he had with his son backpacking.

Returning from an exploring trip on back country roads, Elder Holland and his son came to an unexpected fork and could not remember which road to take. It was late in the day, and they knew darkness would be enveloping them in unfamiliar territory. Seizing a teaching moment, Jeffrey Holland asked his son to pray for direction. Afterward, he asked his son what he felt, and Matt replied that he felt strongly they should go to the left. Replying that he had felt the same way, his father turned the truck to the left. Ten minutes later, they came to a dead end and returned to take the other route.

Matt thought for a time and then asked his father why they would get that kind of answer to a prayer. His father replied that with the sun going down, that was undoubtedly the quickest way for the Lord to give them information—in this case, which one was the wrong road. Now, though the other road might not be familiar and could be difficult in places, they could proceed confidently, knowing it was the right one, even in the dark.  )

Elder Holland says "When making decisions, God expects us to pray, trust, and be believing and then not give up, panic, or "jump ship" when something doesn't seem to be going right." -Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Ensign 1995

With panic -things only get worse. For example , yesterday my 16 year old son had his last scheduled behind the wheel class to get his license. They require that you of course have your Permit with you. He tends to loose his permit -and had already had to pay $50 for missing a previous class due to not being able to find his permit. When the teacher arrived at our house -my son realized he could not find his permit again. (Having been through this before I had scanned the permit in and put it on our computer so all he has to do is print it out) He went to print it out and our computer and printer kept freezing. With every minute that passed my son became more anxious and frustrated. I asked him if he had prayed about it . He shouted."Heavenly Father is not going to fix our computer". I begged to differ and said a quick prayer. He on the other hand gave up in frustration and ran out to the car to watch the other driver drive instead. As he pulled out of our street my other son proceeded to print out the permit. How often do we try a few different paths, and then give up right before were actually about to figure things out?

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