I am very new to this blogging stuff..and so will make mistakes along the way, but this is a place to start. That is what I wanted to blog about today. Starting with where we are-- right now. Elder Uchtdorf put it perfectly . He said,
"The perfect place to begin is exactly where you are right now. It doesn't matter how unqualified
you may think you are or how far behind others you may feel. The very moment you begin to seek your Heavenly Father, in that moment, the hope of his light will begin to awaken, enliven and ennoble your soul. ..The darkness may not dissipate all at once, but as surely as night always gives way to dawn, the light will come."
There is no better place to start then where we are right now. I have taken his advice by not waiting until I have the perfect website or all the computer knowledge I feel I need.
Instead I hope you will begin this journey with me -from where we are --right now. My hope is that this website can be a stepping stone into the light. I know that each who read this blog will come from different experience and different physcial, emotional and spiritual struggles and victories-- but together we will dissipate the darkness.
With the backdrop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we seek to bring a message of hope & healing to those of all faiths. Geared towards survivors of childhood sexual abuse, much applies to all areas of life. We hope this website is a source of comfort, peace, & professional knowledge for all survivors & loved ones. Although, the authors are a therapist & survivor, we also hope to highlight a multitude of perspectives, including yours as you strive for healing.
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