Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Each one of us is Glorious

My heart has been heavy the past couple of days.  I work at a hospital where I see so many people suffering with varying trials. I am always inspired by peoples strength and always feel privileged to get a glimpse into peoples lives. This week I watched a friend of mine's son come into the hospital because of poor choices made in his life. Even as we were trying to help him, he continued to make poor choices- some with life long consequences. My heart ached to see my friend suffering and yet felt honored to watch the way she found to nurture him -even though she could not take away the consequences of his choices.

I am sure our Heavenly Father watches us with heartache when we fall or suffer because of our own bad choices or the bad choices of others. He has the eternal perspective of our ultimate potential. As I listened to this song- I reflected on my experiences this week. I  love how the song says "Each one of us is Glorious. Each one of us have a part to play." In gods eyes each one of us is glorious. No matter how many times we fall or how long it takes for us to pick ourselves back up-we are still glorious in his eyes. I am so grateful for that knowledge, as I often loose patience with myself and my inability to make needed changes. I forget sometimes that, I am, and each of you are, truly glorious in our heavenly father's eyes-no matter what! I am thankful for being reminded of this today.

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