Monday, July 22, 2013

Some quick thoughts I have had this past week

I wanted to share some thoughts I have had this week and hope I can express myself in a way that makes sense. I have worried that I may say things that are offensive or opposite to your own experiences in healing. I do not want you to think that I feel I am the expert. I will blog things that have spoken to me as a professional or to my clients, but that does not mean that what I blog is the only way to heal or to think of things.

 I feel that the real experts are each of you.  The purpose in creating this website was not for me to blog about what I think and have studied. My hope instead was that it will become a place where people will feel safe to share their own experiences. I do not want this website to be a place of "fluff". I want it to speak to real experiences and real people.

I feel that you will learn far more from each other than from myself. I understand that this is messy stuff to talk about and I don't every want to gloss over the fact that it is heart wrenching- soul stretching work. to try to heal from abuse. That is where each of you can bring life to this blog. It is those of you who are doing that soul stretching work that will speak to others who are experiencing similar feelings. I do know how hard it is to share your experience and thoughts and understand if you do not feel ready. That said- the one thing I have heard so many of those I counsel say is that they have wished they had someone to look to-- who has taken this path before.  I welcome feedback and resources!

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